God's Blessings
I thank God for the many blessings He has so bountifully bestowed upon me and my family. My River of Life has had its calm and stormy periods. During the stormy periods I have experienced temporary setbacks, but these problems have only served to make me a stronger person. I have over the years disciplined myself to exercise patience and tolerance when coping with disappointments in life. It is in times like these I am reminded of the words of encouragement and wisdom from Martin Luther King Jr. that: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". My lifespan development has been a fascinating journey which has traversed many dimensions. At age 83, I am most thankful to God that He has blessed me with good physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual health. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the invaluable assistance I have received throughout my life's journey from family, friends, and colleagues, which I also recognize as a blessing from God. First Published August 2014; updated December 2024.